Home Churches are an opportunity for people to gather together in a supportive community to go deeper together. We believe that worshiping together is an essential part of the life of every believer. We believe that as followers of Jesus who gather as the church, we are to partner together in mission. We feel it is important to join us in person on Sunday mornings, to worship as the larger community, and to serve where you feel your gifts would best suit the needs of TMP. Then gather in a Home Church during the week, to discuss the previous Sunday’s teaching, utilizing the discussion guide provided by TMP. Home Church provides a great, and safe opportunity to share your story with each other, and discover ways to share it with others who don’t yet know the love and saving grace of Jesus.

We believe that true relationship happens when we turn our chairs and face each other.

We want to ensure our Home Churches are equipped to unpack the Sunday morning message and dive deeper in conversation. If you missed the Sunday message, or are looking for the discussion guide, click the Teaching Tab above.

The discussion Guide will provide you with an overview of the teaching series, sermon notes from the teacher, scripture references, questions, provided by the teacher to help your group dive deeper in discussion, and prayer suggestions to enhance your prayer time.

Check out the following frequently asked questions ↓


  • Our Home Churches are under the care of Nicole Marble. She is responsible for connecting people and ensuring our Home Church Leaders are equipped to lead.
  • Any follower of Jesus who understands and values the mission of TMP, and is willing to gather people weekly/bi-weekly for discussion, prayer and encouragement.  A TMP Home Church leader will be connected and accountable to TMP through the equipping and encouragement of the Home Church Mobilizer.
  • A Home Church leader will regularly gather their group in a home, to build community, share food, grow, pray and serve together. But beyond that, provide a welcoming place for people exploring TMP or exploring what a relationship with Jesus looks like.
  • A Home Church leader will connect with the Home Church Mobilizer for encouragement and equipping.
  • Preparing for a Home Church gathering would include attending the Sunday morning service or watching the TMP Live stream service, or recorded teach, or listening to the podcast prior to meeting. Your gathering would include discussion about the Sunday message, utilizing the TMP provided Discussion Guide. You would have a time of prayer for the people named in the service, as well as for your family, friends, co-workers and neighbours who don’t yet know Jesus. This meeting could also include a time to gather around a snack or a meal.
  • Put out the ‘Help Jar’ which is a collection each time you meet that would accumulate and provide a tangible way to help a neighbour, a coworker, a friend or another Home Church in a time of need.
  • Get to know your neighbours, so that when a need arises on your block, at your workplace or in your friendship circle, you’re prepared to act.
  • Ask your HC members if they know of any needs that the group could offer help with.
  • Encourage serving within The Meeting Place.
  • In your Host’s home each week, which could be a rotation of each member of the HC. We ask that Home Churches meet every week in order to effectively build relationship. We have discovered that groups who meet bi-weekly struggle with having full participation, because if one person is sick one week and someone else misses the next time, it could be 6-8 weeks or more before your whole group is gathered.
  • Home Churches may also meet in a restaurant, a park or other space conducive to being able to discuss and pray together. Think outside the box.
  • If having a host location is a set back, contact the Home Church Team to discuss possible options.
  • Home Churches would be invited to attend a live, in person service at TMP every week. There is something special about experiencing worship and developing community with the larger body of Christ Followers.
  • If it is not possible to attend in person, people are encouraged to watch the livestream service, or the recorded teach or listen to the podcast prior to meeting.
  • Some Home Churches prefer to watch the service together, either in person, live streamed or the recorded version.

Embrace the chaos!

Having young children join your group time can cause a distraction and make it very difficult to have a deep discussion… and that’s ok. Remember, this is a short period of time in the grand scheme of life. Here are a couple of options;

  1. Accept that this is a phase of life. Enjoy this time with your kids in the room, build the relationships and have a more casual discussion.
  2. Have a couple of church youth or hire 2 babysitters (2 to make it a safe space) to have your kids participate in a craft/activity/play, then bring them back for prayer time and/or snack/meal time.
  • A Home Church can be an inter-generational gathering. We would hope that kids would join in worship, prayer, snacks/meals and activities of service as part of the Home Church.
  • TMP is working toward providing resources and equipping to help this be a great experience of spiritual growth for all ages.
  • The ‘Help Jar’ is a jar you put out for people in your group to drop in some change or a few dollars as a collection each time you meet. It would accumulate and provide a tangible way to help a neighbour, a coworker, a friend or another Home Church in a financial way. Perhaps to pay a bill or pay for a car repair or home repair when someone is in a tight financial situation.
  • It could also be combined with another Home Church or TMP for a larger project.
  • TMP is not able to provide a receipt for the money collected in the ‘Help Jar’.

  • Are you leading or participating in a Life Group and wish to transition to a Home Church?
  • Do you have more questions about Home Churches?

Would you like to lead or join a Home Church? Fill out this registration form and we will be in contact with you.