Care Fund is a giving opportunity designed to direct funds to help our church reach out to those in need who are connected to our community. Our heart is to be the hands and feet of Jesus reaching out to our community— and that’s why Care Fund exists. Distribution of funds will be discerned by our pastors team for a variety of needs. This may include things such as food, clothing, rent, utility bills, medical bills, repairs, compassionate travel, counselling, etc. The funds will carry over from year to year and 100% of gifts received will be used to bless those in need.
How can I direct my gift to the Care Fund?
Cash or cheque: Write “Care Fund” on the envelope or in the memo line for cheques.
Online banking: Email [email protected] and tell us how much your gift was for and that you’d like it to go towards the Care Fund.
Text: Text the amount followed by a space and then the word “Care Fund” to 204.400.2508 (ex: 50 Care Fund).
Website or app: Select “Care Fund” from the fund dropdown list.
Is Care Fund receiptable?
Yes, all gifts to Care Fund will be included on your tax receipt.
Who can receive support from the Care Fund?
The Care Fund will support those within our church and also those connected to our community who are in need. The pastoral team will discern how the funds will be used.
How will the funds be distributed?
The Meeting Place will provide items as needed or cover bills directly to providers. Cash will not be given out.
What happens to the funds at the end of the year?
Any funds not used at the end of our fiscal year will carry over into the next year.
What should I do if I have a need or know someone with a need?
Please contact the office and ask to speak with a pastor.