GRADES 5+6 | SUNDAYS | 10:15 – 11:15 AM

Here’s what a typical Junior Youth gathering looks like at The Meeting Place!

10:00 AM – Arrive at Church
Junior Youth begin the morning by joining our regular worship service. Find a spot with a friend or your family!

10:15 AM – Junior Youth Begins
There will be an announcement for students to head upstairs to our Youth Theatre for the start of TMP Junior Youth!

10:20 AM – Games
Games are always on the schedule. Bring your competitive side or a voice to cheer others on!

10:40 AM – Teach
Do you have questions about your faith? So do we. Together, we make time to learn from one of our youth leaders about what it means to be a fully devoted follower of Jesus!

10:55 AM – Small Groups
This is a time to catch up with friends, ask questions, and share your thoughts about the teaching topic that morning!

11:05 AM – Closing Announcements
Before wrapping up, we make sure that everyone is in the know for any upcoming Junior Youth events.

Junior Youth ends at 11:15 AM, along with our main worship service.

TMP Junior Youth is where kids become bigger kids. Fart jokes are still funny, but more serious things like identity, belonging, and purpose begin to matter much more. Students might not say it out loud, but they’re all asking the questions:

Who am I? Where do I fit? What difference can I make?

Our Junior Youth program is designed with those questions in mind. Every Sunday morning, we gather together and create a space where students can discover their identity in Jesus, find belonging through authentic friendship, and learn about the story God is telling through their lives.

Connect with our Youth Director!


GRADES 7-12 | FRIDAYS | 7:00 – 9:30 PM

NO YOUTH – SOAR Heartland
Mar 28
Register for SOAR!

Apr 4

Senior Youth – Share Night
Apr 11 | 7:00 – 9:30 PM
The Meeting Place Church
139 Smith St, Winnipeg, MB R3C 1J5

Apr 18

Senior Youth – Worship Night
Apr 25 | 7:00 – 9:30 PM
The Meeting Place Church
139 Smith St, Winnipeg, MB R3C 1J5

May 2 | 7:30 – 8:45 PM
Activate Winnipeg East
1150 Nairn Ave, Winnipeg, MB R2L 0Y5

Here’s what a typical Senior Youth gathering looks like at The Meeting Place!

7:00 PM – Doors Open
You’ll be met at the door by a smiling youth leader! They’ll direct you to the second level of our church to be introduced to the other youth! We’ll be playing ping pong, Nintendo Switch, or just hanging out before the service begins.

7:20 PM – Games
Games are always on the schedule. Bring your competitive side or a voice to cheer others on!

8:00 PM – Teach / Worship
Depending on the week, we’ll spend time engaging a teaching topic, or we’ll gather together for sung worship.

8:35 PM – Small Groups
This is a time to catch up with friends, ask questions, and share your thoughts about the teaching topic that night! Our small groups gather based on age and gender (though we can accommodate exceptions)!

9:10 PM – Snack
Food brings people together, so we prioritize snacks. Each week, a different small group provides snack for the larger group!

Senior Youth ends at 9:30 PM.

At TMP Senior Youth, we want to create experiences and a community where leaders, volunteers, and parents can influence youth to develop an everyday faith. This kind of faith mobilizes a generation to become fully devoted followers of Jesus.

As we explore together and gain a deeper understanding of Jesus’s heart for the world, we see students putting their faith into action, serving where needed, sharing the story of Jesus, and worshipping Him in all we do.

Connect with our Youth Director!